Thursday, March 02, 2006

Somebody add to this; I'm dying to know what happens

Once upon a time, there was a fairy who onnly had one wing as a result of a birth defect. The fairy's name was Jeremiah, and he wanted nothing more than to be given a second wing so that he could have all the same opportunities in life as the other fairies did.
One day Jeremiah was walking along (he couldn't fly, you see) and was delighted to see his friend the Toad sitting out sunning himself on his favorite rock. Jeremiah thought that the Toad might be able to help him get a new wing, so he said "Mr. Toad, how can I get a new wing?"
Mr. Toad replied, " "


At 12:25 PM, Blogger Xrystofer said...

"You see my fairy friend, you need not worry about your wings. One does not need to fly in order to be a fairy!"

With that being said.. Jeremiah stepped back, closed one eye while pondering what the toad had just said. Jeremiah didn't expect such a response, instead he expected the toad to say something like "eat more flies like me, maybe you'll grow a wing", or something of that nature.

Meanwhile, as Jeremiah was lost in thought...the toad sighed and waited for a response. And what a response he got, as Jeremiah began to speak which such a puzzling look on his face...

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Lindsey Charlton said...

Hey, a new person! And an old person! This rocks.

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Anna Clare said...

Yay people!! Wooo!!


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