Sunday, August 20, 2006

Magna Cartae

One of the things that No Plot? No Problem! recommends is writing a Magna Carta of things you do want in your novel and things you don't want. In the spirit of accountability, I share mine:

Magna Carta I--Things I Want in My Novel
  1. J.Pat's Pub
  2. Bodhrans
  3. Roadkill
  4. "Pretty sympathy"
  5. Daniel's guitar
  6. Pete the accordian player
  7. That forbidding J.Pat's exterior and its warm, welcoming interior
  8. The old couple who plays checkers
  9. A dayjob
  10. A luthier
  11. Guinness
  12. A wise old bartender
  13. A romantic conflict
  14. Good friends
  15. Jimmy Egan
  16. A gig
  17. A car breaking down
  18. "Parting Glass"
  19. A sad good-bye
  20. A shock
  21. A redemption
  22. A dream/goal
  23. A quirky instrument repair shop
  24. A York piano
  25. Uillean pipes
  26. Coffee/tea
  27. Fun old tables
  28. A thunderstorm

Magna Carta II--Things I Do Not Want in My Novel

  1. Drunken hookups
  2. Excessive whining
  3. Teen anxst (please see above)
  4. Accents
  5. Long monologues
  6. Nervous breakdowns
  7. Old flames
  8. Obnoxiously loud feminists
  9. Super bohemians
  10. Collegiate reminiscing
  11. Bad hair

Oh, yes, it's going to be an amazingly crappy novel. I can feel it. And I can't wait to get started. Research begins this Friday, in keeping with the seven days allowed for information-gathering before the actual writing. Linny and Eddie, I can't wait to see what you've got!


At 7:42 PM, Blogger Lindsey Charlton said...

A York piano? As in a college piano, or any piano in York?

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Anna Clare said...

York piano, as in a piano made by the York Company (which is no longer in existence). JPat's has one. ;)

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Richard V. Rabil, Jr. said...

Well done, Anna. I admire your initiative. Very detailed, I might add. Most stories of mine began with more abstract ideas.

I'm so glad Guinness is on your list. And pardon my ignorance, but what's a "luthier"?

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Anna Clare said...

A luthier is a person who builds guitars, violins, celli, and their like. :)


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